Saturday, January 7, 2012

30 days of amazing!

I turned 30 officially 2 days ago...I thought I'd end my 20's well or at least be cognitive of all the amazing day to day or extraordinary things I was doing at the bitter end! I chose to make sure I recognized my 30 day countdown with 30 days of amazing! I had such an adventure in my 20's, if I could do all of it over again I would! In my 20's I became a mom, a college graduate, a teacher, a counselor, a friend, a good sister, a strong woman, an advocate; I experienced life, laughter, heartbreak, creativity, sorrow, complete joy, passion, fear, gratitude, miracles; I loved with my whole heart, I lost loved ones, I was broken, I was contented, I sang my heart out, danced like no one was watching, created something to be proud of, created someone to be proud of, fully relied on God, asked for help, was too stubborn to ask for help, went on adventures, made lifelong friends, and loved my life. To everyone who has been a part of the ride thank you, each and everyone of you has touched my heart and changed me for the's to the next decade I hear 43 is something to look forward to...we'll see!

My 30 days of amazing:
Dec. 5 Committed to 30 days of amazing
6 Girls Project with my little littles (K-2) soo cute
7 Survived the first Marty wrestling's hard to watch as a mom
8 Had a meeting about growing a program I strongly believe in (nailed it)
9 Friday Girls Project first lesson about appreciation
10 Delivered presents for the Church Christmas program (I'm so glad Marty and I shared this experience)
11 Sunday lunch after Church with 2 amazing people/ created a shopping list for Christmas Program
12 Made ornaments with Girls Project and Ashlee visited she always makes my day more amazing
13 Saw Cl's at the middle school
14 Christmas shopping for 80 or so kids
15 Evening of Giving at work my teen mentors made me proud
16 Decorated a float in freezing weather/ Played Quelf (best game ever) and laughed till I cried
17 Rode in a parade (add to amazing we had a giant blow up snowman, thanks Deb)/ Snuck into Tosh
18 Technically it was still a part of the 17th but had so much fun with friends!! in a very random night
19 Christmas dinner with families of Girls Project (this was my favorite I'm actually tearing up thinking of it)
20 Had happy hour with Pete for the last time before he was married 
21 Wrapped hundreds of gifts (with lots of help from my friends!)
22 Christmas party at work/ Uncle Rudy time/ having a fun family day
23 Had time with Anna Banana on our day off! 
24 Christmas Eve...had a long conversation with Santa, Marty might have been peeking...
25 Christmas with family...Skype is amazing thank God for that!
26 Sat first break all by myself...took a deep breath (it was amazing I even woke up this day)
27 LASER TAG! I love my job
28 Ice skating with my amazing boy
29 Made Marty wear pink fuzzy's a long story but the fact he wore them amazing and hilarious
30 Took care of a dog that was the best!!
31 Danced on a bar...
Jan.1 Slept all day and tried to forget I danced on a bar!
2 Put Christmas away...I have learned dealing with Christmas trees by myself is a very difficult thing
3 Worked and accomplished some things at the office (amazing I finally had time!)
4 Experienced an 8 year old in a hotel when the pool is closed...amazed he didn't break his neck jumping from bed to bed (oh it's amazing I didn't kill him)
5 I turned 30 now that's amazing!

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